Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Listeners TAKE CARE!!!

Like many people around the US and the world, The Genealogy Guys are watching the movement of Hurricane Florence. It is being touted today as "the storm of a lifetime" and the Carolinas are currently in the path for the most direct and destructive hit.

We urge our listeners in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia to stay tuned to local TV and radio broadcasts for critical news and weather information. The two most inclusive websites for hurricane information are the The Weather Channel at and the National Hurricane Center at for the latest information.

In addition, please check your state, county, and local government websites to determine where emergency shelters are located, what actions you can take now, and what resources emergency government resources are and will be available.

You're all part of our family, and we really care about you! STAY SAFE!

Hurricane Florence - 12 September 2018
Courtesy The Weather Channel

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