Sunday, December 30, 2018


The Genealogy Guys would like to wish wish all of our friends, family, listeners, sponsors, and colleagues the very happiest new year in 2019. May it be filled with thrills of cases for fabulous new evidence, surprise discoveries in the most unlikely of places, and exciting connections and collaborations with a growing body of new and rediscovered family members. We hope you will gain more skills to unlock brick wall challenges that show you down. And may you learn the wonders of the geographical, historical, and sociological context that bring the stories of your ancestors to life for new generations of family historians.

Most of all, we want to express our happiness and gratitude to each of you for listening, sharing news and stories with people around you, and for making us feel so loved. We are honored that you spend time with us and we're planning some new excitement in the year ahead.

We wish you 
the happiest and healthiest new year ever!

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