Monday, July 9, 2018

More about the Slave Bill of Sale

The slave bill of sale discussed iEpisode 346 of The Genealogy Guys Podcast and the images posted in this blog on July 5, 2018, has been the subject of quite a bit of discussion. Here are three important comments:
  • Sharon A., Kathy's friend who provided the copies of the documents that we discussed, wrote us an email with the following: "One [document] is a bill of sale of the slave, Jack. The other is an inventory of the estate of Major Joseph Ryan. I only copied the page that shows the slaves and their value from the inventory.  This document is in pieces and has another page because it lists all the items in the estate." Thank you for that clarification, Sharon.
  • Jerry wrote: " While listening to your podcast today and the question of where the slave bill of sale might be donated, I thought about the ArchiveGrid database. It is a subset of WorldCat, and the description on the web site, states:
    • "ArchiveGrid includes over 5 million records describing archival materials, bringing together information about historical documents, personal papers, family histories, and more. With over 1,000 different archival institutions represented, ArchiveGrid helps researchers looking for primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums and historical societies."
    • Jerry goes on to say that, "At any rate, if you search “slave bill of sale”, the result is 235 hits. Clicking on “Summary view,” will tell you which repositories own the most of these documents under the category “archives.” It looks as though Louisiana State University- Special Collections owns the most of these documents.
  • Laura shared with us that the State Library of North Carolina's website has an impressive webpage titled Government and Heritage Library at It has a specific libguide (finding aid) titled Genealogical Slave Records, beginning at It has tabs with some excellent reference resources:
    • Finding Slave Records
    • Books & Online Resources
    • Articles 
    • Get More Help
The Guys will continue to post images that illustrate some of the items we discuss on the podcast, and we hope that they will provide you with deeper insights into the subjects.

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