Saturday, June 1, 2019

Special Unsung Heroes Award Made to at Jamboree

Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree
Burbank, CA
June 1, 2019

The Genealogy Guys Podcast and Vivid-Pix have today given MyHeritage Ltd. its highest Unsung Heroes Award for extraordinary service to the genealogy community.

Said Drew Smith in his presentation, "MyHeritage has been involved with numerous pro bono projects over the years. We are here today to recognize the completion of their unprecedented five-year project to digitize every cemetery in Israel. MyHeritage employees, friends, and volunteers systematically photographed and transcribed almost every grave. The company specifically recruited full-time employees to complete the work. They photographed 638 cemeteries throughout Israel. 2.1 million photos were taken of 1.5 million gravestones, and the company teamed with BillionGraves to make the results available online.

"MyHeritage embodies the true spirit of volunteerism, and this project is just one of its many mitzvahs or good deeds for the global community. We are therefore presenting this plaque to Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage today as part of our Unsung Heroes Awards. It reads:

In recognition of the completion of its landmark
project to digitize all of the cemeteries in Israel
and make the records available online, we hereby honor 

MyHeritage Ltd.

This award acknowledges the company’s continuous
commitment to the documentation of the past
and its dedication to preservation for future generations.

"Thank you, MyHeritage, for your great leadership and generosity!"

Plaque given to Daniel Horowitz of MyHeritage
in recognition of its Israel Cemetery Project.

We Sing Your Praises!

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