Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Genealogy Squad Launches to Huge Response

The Genealogy Squad, a new Facebook group, launched on Monday, May 6, 2019, to a huge response. The Genealogy Squad is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/genealogysquad/. Its mission is "to provide a positive space for the sharing of appropriate and reliable methods and resources to assist genealogists at all levels. We focus on answering questions and solving problems, while demonstrating best practices in all aspects of genealogical research."

Principals who are administering the group are The Genealogy Guys (George G. Morgan and Drew Smith), Blaine T. Bettinger (DNA Central), and Cyndi Ingle (Cyndis List).

In the first week, more than 8,000 people have joined the group from around the globe and the dialog has been very exciting.

While DNA and genetic genealogical methodology are hot topics, The Genealogy Squad encourages those discussions in our sister group, Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques at https://www.facebook.com/groups/geneticgenealogytipsandtechniques/.

Visit The Genealogy Squad group and join to experience the best resources on Facebook!

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