Friday, May 24, 2019

Unsung Heroes Awards Are Coming to JAMBOREE!

The Unsung Heroes Awards 
Are Coming to JAMBOREE!

Will you be attending JAMBOREE in Burbank next week? If so, we want you to join us, The Genealogy Guys Podcast and Vivid-Pix , maker of RESTORE software, to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of some amazing people and organizations that have digitized, indexed, and/or transcribed records for the rest of us in the genealogy community. We will be announcing the winners of the Unsung Heroes Award winners!

And we are so excited!

JAMBOREE is hosted by the Southern California Genealogical Society at the Marriott Convention Center in Burbank, California, on May 30 to June 2, 2019. This is a very special year because it represents fifty years of JAMBOREE! Walk in registrations are welcome each day.

We will be announcing the Unsung Heroes Awards for the second quarter of 2019 at the conference and you do not want to miss these announcements! Join us on Saturday afternoon, June 2nd, in the grand foyer of the convention center at 1:30 PM where SCGS will have a birthday party with a huge cake to celebrate its anniversary. In addition, Drew Smith of The Genealogy Guys Podcast and Rick Voight, CEO of Vivid-Pix, will be making a tremendously special award for a landmark project. That will be followed in the Exhibit Hall with the announcement of the Unsung Heroes Award winners in each of the Individual, Society, and Library and Archive categories, taking place at the Flip-Pal/Vivid-Pix booth.

We won't announce the winners just yet, of course, but we promise that you will be excited and inspired with the award winners' work. We can't wait to share the announcements and we want YOU to be there!

Learn more about attending JAMBOREE 2019 by visitong

For complete details about the Unsung Heroes Awards and to nominate yourself or someone else for future awards, please visit the Aha! Seminars, Inc., website at

(c) Copyright Aha! Seminars, Inc. TM

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