Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Day 0: Introducing 31 Days of Getting Organized

While I am not a great believer in New Year's resolutions, I do believe that one can set and achieve reasonable goals for shorter periods, such as a quarter or a month. So let's make January 2020 the month in which we start getting more organized. The more organized we are, the less time we'll waste looking for things we need and the more time we'll have available for the fun parts of research!

Each day in January, I'll be providing a brief post to encourage you to do a little organizing in one particular area of your workflow. It doesn't mean that you'll be able to achieve getting organized in a single day, but it does mean that you can use that day to see what, if anything, needs to be done. You can start with that area, and then schedule it again for later in the month or in the next two months, to complete the tasks.

And some of the days may not be relevant to you, perhaps because you're already pretty organized in that area, or because you'd rather work on a more important area. That's fine. Use the month of January to see what needs to be done, to make some progress, and to schedule more time to do more. 

At the end of the month, we'll look back to see how much you got done. Oh, and if you need to skip a day or two during the month, that's also fine. You can catch back up later in the month! Happy New Year, and let's make January 2020 and the following months the most organized months you've ever had.


  1. This is great. I really do need to get organised. Wloojing forward to you January posts

  2. Hi, this is a great idea, how can I follow this post so I get a reminder to read it?

  3. I have 14 full file drawers, 14 book shelves full of binders and books and about a dozen boxes filled with genealogy papers. It's going to take a LONG time to get organized, but I'm committed to do it in 2020. I'm sure most of the papers can go in my recycle bin, but I will keep my genealogy books and my binders, which contain proof documents organized by generations, of my ancestors.
