Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Genealogy Squad IS for You!

Start your New Year off right! 
Join The Genealogy Squad on Facebook at 

The mission of The Genealogy Squad Facebook group is to provide a positive space for the sharing of appropriate and reliable methods and resources to assist genealogists at all levels. We focus on answering questions and solving problems while demonstrating best practices in all aspects of genealogical research.

The administrators are George G. Morgan of The Genealogy Guys Podcast, Cyndi Ingle who created and maintains more than 337,000 links at Cyndi's List, and Blaine T. Bettinger, Ph.D., JD, the world's leading lecturer on DNA and principle of DNA Central. (Questions relating to the use of DNA testing are better suited for our sibling group, Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques at https://www.facebook.com/groups/geneticgenealogytipsandtechniques.) We have two fantastic moderators working with the team at the moment too! They are Mia Bennett of England and Samantha John of Australia. They are experts in their areas and abroad too!

Membership in the group, which launched on 6 May 2019, is currently approaching 27,000. The members, administrators, and moderators answer your questions or they point you to excellent resources. TGS is the friendliest and most helpful Facebook group there is to help you with your genealogical questions.

Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/genealogysquad to join. Just answer a few quick questions and you'll be approved and in The Genealogy Squad in almost no time! And if you're already a member, tell your friends and members of the genealogical societies to which you belong!

The Genealogy Squad is here to help!

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