Sunday, December 1, 2019

Genealogy Guys Learn Releases New Content for December!

The Genealogy Guys are very pleased to announce the release of two new learning opportunities at the Genealogy Guys Learn website for its subscription members in December 2019. This is part of our guarantee of new content every month!

Clues from the Graveyard

Some of the most important records found in our genealogical odyssey are cemetery and graveyard records. When you think of cemetery records, what comes to your mind? Tombstones, right? And what method do you use to locate a gravestone or other marker? Do you walk the cemetery until you find it? I hope not, because that can be a huge investment of time and energy when, in many cases, there are records to be found elsewhere to help you home in on the exact position of the site of an interment. This written course goes into extensive detail about record types, how to find them, how to read and record information on a marker, and how to correctly clean a tombstone so as not to damage it.

Maximizing Your Use of

FamilySearch has photographed, microfilmed, and digitized billions of historical and genealogical records since the late 1930s. Its website at ( contains indexed and unindexed, browsable data and images. Its FamilySearch Research Wiki is an excellent" go-to" site with more than 90,000 informational articles and links that help your research. And help abounds for you wherever you look!! This video provides an overview of the site, includes essential information about maximizing your searches of indexed collections, and a guide for how to browse the well-organized, un-indexed collections. Key search strategies are presented to help circumvent common brick walls.

Subscribe to Genealogy Guys Learn 

at for $99 a year and grow your skills with structured learning throughout the year. All the self-study written courses and conference-quality videos, plus other resources, are available to you for the equivalent of $8.25 per month. And new content is added each month making your subscription even more valuable!  

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