Sunday, December 29, 2019

Uploading Trees for DNA Sites

I received a large set of MyHeritage DNA matches today. Some were as close as 2nd to 3rd cousins. Imagine my excitement! 

Unfortunately, only one person had loaded a comprehensive tree with names and data going back 7 generations, and I was easily able to make a concrete connection. I've sent a contact message to the person. I'm thrilled with one contactable match though. It offers the opportunity to make more progress.

It was, however, very disappointing that all of the other matches had either posted a tree with only themselves (private) or in a tree with only 2-3 generations, all of whom were marked private. I understand the privacy issue very clearly but was very sad that the opportunities to make matches and contacts were stymied.

I hope you will consider when you are uploading family tree information to the sites at which you have tested that you will include in your tree enough generations with deceased and non-private individuals so that you and others can really benefit from your testing and theirs so that we have some matches to older generations.

Thanks for listening!

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