Thursday, March 11, 2021

My March through the FamilySearch Family Tree: Day 11 (my maternal grandmother's maternal grandfather)

At this point regarding my maternal grandmother's ancestors, I'm left with her maternal grandparents (including the relatively newly discovered Sarah "Sallie" Neely). Let's start with the Foshee family.

One of the toughest issues with the Foshee family is the many variant spellings. On the other hand, genealogist Velma Jean Lowman Foshee (1923-1998) had done an extensive study on this family, and I communicated with her briefly in the early-to-mid 1990s. 

A complication is that there were at least two and most likely 3 generations of men named Benjamin Foshee. A few folks have trees that have omitted the middle one, and that causes some strange ages for their spouses, too. 

I messaged someone on Ancestry who had a public tree with only two generations of Benjamins. We'll see if I get a response there.

Meanwhile, here is the current tree entry for Benjamin Foshee:

This is going to take some work to clean up. 

First, it gives his name as Benjamin Foshee II, but I've seen no record giving his name that way. He's just Benjamin Foshee (the third in a line of Benjamin Foshees). So I fixed the name.

Second, it shows marriages to two different women: Ann Grant and Sarah "Anny" Grant. It's certainly true that Benjamin married Mrs. Sarah Grant, but she was Sarah "Sallie" Neely, who had previously married a Grant.  I fixed the second one, changing her surname to Neely.

The problem with the other entry (Ann Grant) is that it has children born in 1828 and 1829, but it's highly unlikely that a 15-year-old male was married and had a child.  So I need to detach them.

Then I found a duplicate (Benjamin Fooshe), so I merged that one and all his children into Benjamin Foshee. I also added the source document from the 1860 census.

There are multiple marriages listed here to deal with, including a duplication of Benjamin's wife Sarah. I'll fix that tomorrow.

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