Friday, March 19, 2021

My March through the FamilySearch Family Tree: Day 19 (Nathan Bodie Sr.)

One issue that I haven't resolved so far is when to start using the Boddie spelling instead of the Bodie spelling. I know that the spelling was Boddie in Virginia and North Carolina (and continued in that way in later generations in North Carolina), but at least by the time of the 1850 census, Nathan Jr. and his family were using the Bodie spelling. What of his father?

Nathan Sr. appears as head of household in South Carolina census records prior to 1850 (1790, 1820) as Bodie, as do other relatives. Some other members of the family, also in Edgefield, were using the Boddie spelling. So I'll continue using Nathan Bodie Sr. (and save the Boddie spelling for his father).

Nathan Bodie Sr.:

John Bennett Boddie says that Nathan Sr. was married twice, and had 7 children with the first (unnamed) wife and 2 children with the second wife, Elizabeth (no surname given). It was suggested that Elizabeth was Elizabeth Warren, but John Bennett Boddie said that it wasn't clear if she was a Warren by birth or by a first marriage. With no other sources to go by, I removed an unsourced marriage (with a Jane B. Warren) that had no children. 

This left me with 3 marriages that needed some merging and realignment of children. I knew that Nathan Jr. had a sister Hannah who had married a Bartley, so I began by merging two entries for Hannah into one.

This left me with 2 marriages to the same person (Elizabeth Green), with overlapping children. I decided to take a break on Nathan Bodie Sr. until I could communicate with someone who had added info into this family as recently as February 17, 2021. 

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