Monday, March 22, 2021

My March through the FamilySearch Family Tree: Day 22 (The Little Foxes)

Mendel and Frumat Weinglass, according to my records, had 7 children. Of these, we've already looked at my direct ancestor Louis (although we'll come back to him to discuss his other descendants) and his sister Anna. I believe that there was a daughter who married a Cohen, but I have no more information on her. And another child who I have no information on, not even the sex. There was a daughter Tillie (or Tilly) who was born between 1873 and 1877, but other than her birth location, I have no other info. That leaves us with son Harris and daughter Sarah. Harris is an interesting study, but I'll save him for tomorrow. Today, I'll focus on Sarah J. Weinglass, born about 1861 in Makowa, Poland, who married Herman (Hyman) Fox.

Sarah J. Weinglass:

Herman (Hyman) Fox:

Sarah was already in the FamilySearch Family Tree as she had been automatically added by FamilySearch based on her 13 August 1882 New York City marriage record. I merged the duplicate Sarah into the one I had created, which brought along her spouse Herman (with his surname spelled Foks). I then modified Herman's surname to match the more common Fox (as their 10 children had). 

My records showed 10 children for Sarah and Herman born between 1883 and 1902, so I had to get to work to add them: Austin (Austin) Pinkus/Pinkerton Fox, Anna "Annie" Fox, Jacob Fox, Harold M. "Harry" Fox, Abram Isaac Fox, Simche "Samuel" Fox, Abraham "Abe" Fox, Rebeccah "Beckie" Fox, Samuel "Sam" Fox, and Mary Fox.

As I went to add the oldest child, Austin, I realized that he was already in the Family Tree under the name Pinkus Fax, with parents Flyman Fax and Sara Weinglas. This record had been automatically added by FamilySearch, with an obvious mistranscription for Hyman. I stopped to merge the duplicates into the existing Herman and Sarah. This led to finding Sarah in the 1900 census and suddenly the Family Tree could find a number of other duplicates for Sarah. So I was back to dealing with those.

Once I attached records and deleted duplicates again for Sarah and Herman, I was back to adding any children that had not been automatically added. 

Austin/Austen Pinkus/Pinkerton Fox:

I added his wife, Fannie Blaurock, and their 4 children: Harold, Rose, Lillian, and Jules S.

New records were suggested, including some for Herman and Sarah, such as a previously undocumented son Solomon (born in 1896). 

The only other Fox child for whom I had marriage information was Anna "Annie" Fox (born March 1885), who married Samuel Newman. 

Anna "Annie" Fox:

I followed Anna and her husband Samuel through the 1920, 1925 (NY), 1930, and 1940 censuses, and it does not appear that they ever had children.

I decided to leave the little Foxes at this point, and move to Sarah's brother Harris. 

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