Wednesday, March 3, 2021

My March through the FamilySearch Family Tree: Day 3 (my paternal grandmother's parents)

 I started this march through the FamilySearch Family Tree two days ago with my parents (no fixes needed to be made) and yesterday on to my paternal grandmother (merging two duplicates into her record). Now it's time to move to her parents, Louis Weinglass and Sarah Grodowitz.  

Great-grandfather Louis Weinglass (what I would consider my official entry for him) is here:

I will eventually need to clean up some duplicates for his children, but I don't want to lose focus on Louis himself (and then his wife, my great-grandmother Sarah Grodowitz). 

So I first merged a record for a person named Luy Weinglass for his daughter Anna's birth. Then I merged the same incorrectly transcribed Louis Heinglas that was part of another birth record.

That seems to have taken care of Louis. On to Sarah.

As for Sarah, the Fanny in Anna's birth record has to be her, and of course, the Sarah Heinglas whose surname was mistranscribed. So I'll merge them the same way I did for Louis.

That went quickly, including adding many of the sources that were linked to the duplicates.

Next up, Louis' parents.

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